Monthly Offer

Every month(ish) there will be a new set of limited edition prints availble to order in one style. 

These aren't the duds that no one wants, these are the last of the best sellers, out of print fabrics I'll never get my hands on again, fabrics I've been hoarding for myself, and excess pieces from Material Difference and Hello Friend pre-orders.

I can only make one or two pieces from each print, so if you want a gorgeous outfit that almost no one else has, get in fast! You'll feel smug af when you tell your friends that they can't have one. Haha!

If you love the print, but not the style, let me know and I might be able to make you something else instead.

Offers end at the end of each month.

April Offer - Ready Made Jumpers

April Offer - Ready Made Jumpers

On Sale from $49.00 Regular price

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